Who We Are



“And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.”

In the many decades since its formation, GAMOJ has played an integral role in the lives of countless Muslim individuals and families. We are exceptionally proud of the progress that we have made in raising the visibility of the African community as Japan becomes an increasingly open and multi-cultural nation. In addition to creat-ing meaningful improvements in the lives of our members, we have helped show our fellow Japanese born citizens that we are a great asset to their country. We have demonstrably proven that African born Muslims can live side-by-side with native born Japanese citizens in a peaceful, healthy, and prosperous society.

While we take great pride in our accomplishments up to this point, our mission is far from complete. African born Muslims still face many hardships in this rapidly changing world. We are confident, however, that together, we can rise to meet whatever challenges the future holds for us. Through the power of our community and an embrace of the teachings of Allah, we believe that we can carry our proud tradition into a new era.


Our President

Dr. Adargo Sam


The President’s Message

Gamoj, as an association of all Ghanaian Muslims was formed to serve as an organ to progress the Ghanaian Muslims in Japan, dig into avenues, find opportunities, reach out to possibilities, create chances, and advance our cultural heritage to our kids born in Japan and the Japanese community. Since Gamoj’s inception, it has served as an informative organ for Ghanaian Muslims in Japan. Between the Japan Government establishments and Ghana Embassy.

As President of the association, I have led the group and mentored Members to adhere to strict compliance with Japanese law and order and violence free.

As we continue to grow in numbers and in unity, Gamoj aims to promote discipline and better coexistence among Ghanaians in Japan and the Japanese. Furthermore, we as a group understand that Japan is our second country but the first country to our kids, therefore we wish our establishment (GAMOJ) will serve as a platform for the kids who will take over from us to tell our story and culture to Japanese and promote Ghana Muslims image in Japan. The social, cultural and manners that we teach them will add up to Japan’s beautiful tolerance culture to make their lives better if not best, in future.

I, therefore, encourage all members and non-members who may visit our website to observe strict compliance with the laws of our host nation, Japan. And adhere to regulatory posts.

As President, again, I admonish you to always observe discipline to our host nation’s social rudimentary, cultural and ethics.


Thank you.


GAMOJ’s leadership team

Ben Abdallah
Vice President
Baba Osman Dab
Larry Mijinma Yakubu
Financial Secretary
Seidu Louis Idris
Deputy Financial Secretary
Hassan Karim
Deputy organizing Secretary/PR